Home | Media Coverage | Analysis: Ontario Catholic Church chooses quiet diplomacy to fight gay-straight alliances

Analysis: Ontario Catholic Church chooses quiet diplomacy to fight gay-straight alliances

June 5, 2012

Peter Stockland quoted in Charlie Lewis' latest piece on the gay-straight alliances debate. Quote: “I don’t think it’s just a reasonable strategy to rally the people in the pews, it’s an imperative strategy,” said Peter Stockland, a senior fellow with Hamilton-based Cardus, a think tank that studies the intersection of religion and society. “This is not about gay rights versus somebody’s else’s rights. This is about Charter rights to religious freedom — rights not only to believe what you want but to actually live your life according to those beliefs. “If you’re not prepared to defend that then what you are willing to defend? I think the Church had to get out in front of this in an activist way. It’s mystifying they didn’t.” Read the rest of the article.