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Cardus research profiled in Hamilton Spectator, “College of Trades to regulate thousands of workers”

March 10, 2012

A new College of Trades has an ambitious mandate to regulate about half a million workers as the province takes a stab at reforming an apprenticeship program that originated decades ago. ... In April and September last year, CARDUS, a Hamilton-based think tank, released two reports critical of the college and its mandate. Brian Dijkema, one of the authors of the September CARDUS report, said the problem begins with the lack of research upon which the legislation was based. The report is also critical of the fee structure, which it suggests will require more compulsory trades and possibly, maintain the status quo on ratios. “In the absence of clear criteria and evidence by which the college shall determine compulsory versus voluntary certification, the possibility that trades will be made compulsory for the purpose of funding the college’s activities should give us pause,” the report concluded. CARDUS suggests membership fees will increase to as much as $100 – currently it costs only $40 to register as an apprentice. Read the entire article here.