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Decorative abstract background, grey spiral
Spirited Citizenship
Policy Memo

Memo: Politicization of Charitable Status

Response to proposed changes to charitable status for pregnancy support organizations and the effect it will have on the charitable sector.

Andreae Sennyah

December 5, 2024

Canadian $20 bill
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Ontario’s Budget 2023 Consultation

Ontarians have been invited to provide feedback to the government on setting priorities for Budget 2023.

Andreae Sennyah

February 17, 2023

Food bank workers sort groceries
Spirited Citizenship
Policy Brief

Increasing Ontario’s Charitable Tax Credits

The number of charitable donors in Ontario shrank by more than 100,000 people between 2016 and 2020. Ontario could help reverse that trend by doubling its charitable tax credit, which is the lowest of any province or territory except Nunavut.

Andreae Sennyah

December 9, 2022

Volunteers playing with children at camp
Spirited Citizenship
Research Report

Vulnerable Sector Check Costs Remain a Barrier for Volunteers

The giving of both time and resources in the form of volunteering and charitable donations is a part of the fabric of a way of life: a mark of healthy citizenship and flourishing society.

Joanna DeJong VanHof

July 12, 2022

Volunteers clean up a beach.
Spirited Citizenship
Policy Brief

Absorbing Vulnerable Sector Check Fees to Reduce Barriers to Volunteering

The financial burden of VSCs is onerous for smaller charities or volunteers with low incomes, especially if each organization requires a separate check.

Andreae Sennyah

July 12, 2022

Pencil on planning document
Faith Communities
Policy Memo

Memo: Niagara Regional Council Should Retain Exemption from Development Charges for Places of Worship

Niagara Region Council is planning to remove the exemption from developmental charges for places of worship under By-law 2017-98.

Andreae Sennyah Brian Dijkema

June 30, 2022

Woman reading to child
Spirited Citizenship
Policy Memo

Policy Priorities for Ontario’s 2022 Election, Spirited Citizenship Recommendations

The financial burden of VSCs is onerous for smaller charities or volunteers with a low income, especially if each organization requires a separate check.

Andreae Sennyah

April 26, 2022

Crowd of rushing people
Policy Memo

Policy Priorities for Ontario’s 2022 Election

In the lead-up to Ontario’s 2022 election, we are sharing our existing research with everyone equally and seek to collaborate with all people of goodwill.

Andreae Sennyah

April 26, 2022

Decorative abstract background, grey spiral
Work & Economics
Research Brief

The Potential to Give During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Canada’s charitable sector will prove to be pivotal in helping Canadians through these challenging times. But the revenues of charitable organizations have been falling. For Canadian charities to continue carrying out their important missions in helping to provide those in need with food, clothing, shelter, and emotional support, Canadians are going to have to increase their giving.

July 23, 2020