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PEI Child Care System Fails Most Parents

Province struggles to create spaces as waitlist grows

With U.S. Homeschooling on the Rise, New Research Report Provides Much-Needed Data on Outcomes

Time to end “simplistic, one-dimensional descriptions of American homeschoolers.”

Senior citizen couple

New Book Offers Bold Defence of Marriage as a Public Good

Connecting the dots between the breakdown of marriage culture, rising public policy challenges, and the ripple effects felt across communities.

Canadians Split on Doctors Proactively Raising MAiD With Patients

Support for ban on doctor-raised MAiD highest among Canadians aged 18 to 34, according to survey.

STATEMENT Continued Increase in Canadian MAiD Deaths Alarming

The 2023 Health Canada report on MAiD deaths reconfirms that Canada has one of the fastest growing euthanasia and assisted suicide programs in the world.

Graduates Speak: New Data Offers Insights on Transforming Education

Latest Cardus Education Survey finds different school options provide distinct advantages and effects.

62% of Canadians Fear the Vulnerable Might Feel Forced Into MAiD

New survey data reveals undercurrent of concern about the effects of legal euthanasia.

This is Max wearing a cap from LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR.

Church Tax Exemptions Benefit Everyone, Study Finds

Religious congregations provide a net $16.5 billion worth of social and economic benefits to Canadians .

Chapelle Souvenir de l'Ermitage Saint-Antoine de Lac-Bouchette

L’exonération fiscale des églises profite à tous, selon une étude

Les congrégations religieuse fournissent des avantages sociaux et économiques nets d'une valeur de 16,5 milliards de dollars pour tous les Canadiens.

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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