Still Christian(?)
Cardus Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on Military Chaplaincy
The Bible and Us
Toward a Hopeful Future
Indigenous Voices of Faith Booklet
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Dcn. Rennie Nahanee
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Tal James
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Marilyn Crowchild
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Maria Lucas
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Rosella Kinoshameg
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Fr. Cristino Bouvette
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Jeff Decontie
Memo: Redefining Chaplaincy
Keeping Ontario’s Places of Worship Open During Emergencies
Needs Improvement
The Welcome Home
Pastoral Home Care of the Archdiocese of Montreal / SASMAD
Ismaili CIVIC: Case Studies in Faith-Based Social Service
Who Are You? Reaffirming Human Dignity
Religious Freedom as a Fundamental Freedom