Les congrégations religieuse fournissent des avantages sociaux et économiques nets d’une valeur de 16,5 milliards de dollars pour tous les Canadiens.
L’exonération fiscale des organismes religieux, un plus pour tous les Canadiens
November 12, 2024
Why Religious Tax Exemptions Benefit All Canadians
Religious congregations provide a net $16.5 billion worth of social and economic benefits to Canadians.
November 12, 2024
Still Christian(?)
What Canadian Christians Actually Believe
May 7, 2024
Religion and Belief Among Immigrants to Canada
Immigrants to Canada are significantly more religious and more open to public religious expression than non-immigrant Canadians.
July 6, 2023
Cardus Presentation to Parliamentary Committee on Military Chaplaincy
The essential work of Canadian Armed Forces chaplains of all religious and philosophical traditions must be protected and encouraged.
June 2, 2023
The Bible and Us
Canadians and Their Relationship with Scripture
May 2, 2023
Indigenous Voices of Faith Booklet
Is there something fundamentally incompatible between Indigenous Canadians and Christianity or other faiths? Some might say so, but many Indigenous Canadians would strongly disagree. As part of our Indigenous Voices of Faith project, we’ve interviewed 12 Indigenous Canadians about their religious faith and its interaction with their culture.
March 9, 2023
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Dcn. Gilbert Pitawanakwat
Dcn. Gilbert Pitawanakwat shares his story of becoming a Catholic deacon and how that relates to his Anishinaabe identity.
February 10, 2023
Indigenous Voices of Faith: Dcn. Rennie Nahanee
Dcn. Rennie Nahanee’s embrace of Catholicism sees him serving as a deacon in a church in the Squamish Nation where much of the Mass is translated into the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim language.
February 10, 2023