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Decorative abstract background of a modern building
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Humanizing Criminal Records – Ontario’s Police Record Checks Reform Act Review

Cardus made a submission to the Ministry of the Solicitor General's legislative review of the Police Record Checks Reform Act. We recommend that the Government of Ontario require that the results of police record checks include positive, general information about the employability of persons with criminal records. We also recommend giving people with criminal records the option of including positive, individual-specific information directly on the results of their police record checks.

Renze Nauta Andreae Sennyah

December 6, 2023

Decorative abstract background, blue slats
Work & Economics
Policy Memo

Memo: Department of Finance Consultation on Predatory Lending

Cardus made a submission to the Department of Finance's consultation on predatory lending, including considerations on lowering the criminal rate of interest, increasing access to low-cost, small-value credit, and on additional revisions to the payday lending exemption.

Brian Dijkema Johanna Lewis

November 30, 2023

Research Report

Pandemic Fallout

Learning Loss, Collateral Damage, and Recovery in Canada’s Schools

Dr. Paul W. Bennett

November 29, 2023

Work & Economics
Research Report

Humanizing Criminal Records

Toward a View of the Whole Human Person

Renze Nauta

November 23, 2023

Decorative abstract background, grey spiral
Policy Memo

Submission to AMAD Committee Studying MAID for Mental Disorders

Cardus made a submission to the parliamentary committee studying Canada's readiness to expand MAID to mental disorders as the sole underlying condition. We recommend an indefinite pause and assert that Canada is not and will not be prepared for the March 2024 expansion. We ask the committee to consider readiness beyond that of practitioners, including readiness of the existing MAID system, the most affected populations, and the Canadian public.

Rebecca Vachon Andreae Sennyah

November 16, 2023

Research Report

Climate and the Crib

Do Environmental Concerns Reduce Fertility?

Lyman Stone

November 15, 2023

Decorative abstract background. glass ceiling
Policy Memo

Memo: SOCI Committee’s Study of Bill C-35: An Act Respecting Early Learning and Child Care in Canada

Cardus made a submission to the Senate committee studying Bill C-35: An Act respecting early learning and child care in Canada. We argue that the bill is unnecessary and enshrines an inequitable program. However, if Senators support Bill C-35 to the next legislative stage, Cardus recommends several amendments to strengthen the legislation.

Peter Jon Mitchell Andrea Mrozek Andreae Sennyah

November 10, 2023

Decorative abstract background, black and white slats
Policy Memo

Cardus Presentation to Senate Committee on Bill C-35

Comprehensive publication of the results from the child care agreements must be emphasized to ensure that the program meets parental demand, serves the diverse needs of Canadian families, and is being provided at a high quality.

Peter Jon Mitchell

November 10, 2023

Research Brief

Backgrounder on the Canada Child Benefit

Considerations for the Future

Rhys Patrick Peter Jon Mitchell

October 17, 2023