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BC Legislature

British Columbia’s Community Benefits Agreement Is Badly Broken

B.C.'s Community Benefits Agreement has worsened labour shortages, caused cost overruns, and is deeply unfair to the province's workers.

Men in sports bar

Sports Betting Has Become a Public Health Problem

Ontario sports gamblers lose an average of $283 per month per sports-betting account.

Disastrous Start to Nova Scotia’s $10-a-day Daycare System

The first two years of Nova Scotia’s daycare deal with the federal government have utterly failed to make it easier for parents to find the child care their families need.

Manitoba Gets Mixed Results with Federal Child Care Funding

The creation of child care spaces continues to be a challenge in Manitoba even as fees fall.

New Resource Aims to Make Adoption Easier for Families in Canada

National overview of benefits available to adoptive families

Canadian MAiD Deaths Skyrocket in Just Six Years

Euthanasia has gone from being a rare exception to a routine cause of death in Canada.

Cardus Names Joanna DeJong VanHof Education Program Director

Joanna brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to educational pluralism.

STATEMENT on Coroner’s Inquiry into Death of Normand Meunier

Why don't we have better systems of accountability for euthanasia?

Study Uncovers Extent of School “Credit Mill” Problem in Ontario

Almost a third of Ontario's independent credit-emphasis schools could be a "credit mill."

Media Contact

Daniel Proussalidis

Director of Communications

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