Research & Policy Library

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Research Report

Retooling Teacher Certification

Bridging the Vocational-Technical Teacher Gap in Alberta

David Hunt Brett Fawcett

June 13, 2024

Perspectives Paper

The Progressive Case for Educational Pluralism

No, right-of-centre policymakers don't own the school choice movement. Progressives have been supporting educational pluralism at least since the 1960s.

Ashley Berner

May 14, 2024

Research Report

Navigating AI in Christian Schools

The Association of Christian Schools International and Cardus share insights from a survey of ACSI member schools about their use of artificial intelligence and what educators think about it.

Lynn E. Swaner Rian Djita

May 6, 2024

Research Report

Exploring Alberta’s Independent School Landscape

Diversity, Growth, and Trends

David Hunt Joanna DeJong VanHof

April 23, 2024

Research Report

Pandemic Fallout

Learning Loss, Collateral Damage, and Recovery in Canada’s Schools

Dr. Paul W. Bennett

November 29, 2023

Child and teacher over a book
Policy Brief

Ontario’s Tutoring Supports Program

Disruptions in education have resulted in learning gaps for students who now need tutoring to catch up academically.

Andreae Sennyah

April 5, 2022

Faith Communities
Perspectives Paper

Needs Improvement

How Public Schools Teach About Religion

Andrew P.W. Bennett

January 26, 2022

Pupils On Trip To Museum Looking At Map And Making Notes
Perspectives Paper

Excellence in Education

This paper traces this conversation from its Greco-Roman and early Christian roots to the present—looking at how the Christian notion has shifted our conception of excellence in important ways, but how we have perhaps lost a fully rounded vision of it in our late modern world.

Beth Green Doug Sikkema

December 14, 2021

A Good Fit Banner Black and White
Research Report

A Good Fit

How Matching Students and Schools by Religion Improves Academic Outcomes

Catherine Pakaluk Nicholas Swanson

December 13, 2021